Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Cure concert photos

The Cure 6

Finally saw The Cure last night. Pretty damn good except for Roberts voice. It was strained from the Chicago concert. Seems like they played a little of everything, I didn't get a set list but I really enjoyed it. I shot my three songs and went back to my seat a few rows back and watched most of the show. I decided to head out early and go home and edit photos since Roberts voice was hurting. I got out to my car and there was a note on the windshield...yikes! Apparently a person pulling into the parking spot to the right of me sideswiped my car. $4000 worth of damage to my flawless vehicle. Anyway the guy showed up after the show and gave me his insurance, which was cool. Could have been a lot worse I suppose. Here are a few photos!

The Cure 5
The Cure 15

The Cure 11

The Cure 10

The Cure 3
The Cure 7

More photos here: The Cure


thedirtyknitter said...

fantastic photos - thanks for sharing. yikes - sorry about your car!

Leonard Dronkers said...

Very nice pictures